HELMeTO 2022

4th International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online

September 21-23, 2022
Palermo, Italy

E-learning for providing “augmented” mathematics education at University level

Aim and Scope

In the current socio-cultural context, the use of technology, and in particular of the web, cannot be ignored in any field of human life. For education, we note that students naturally tend to use digital resources (videos, tutorials, mathematical softwares). The technological scenario challenges university teachers to investigate how to design new learning environments, integrating classical and digital resources, and how to exploit them for providing students with new ‘augmented’ teaching/learning experiences. In this strand DIGiMATH – a working group of the Unione Matematica Italiana- is focused on understanding how face- to-face mathematics teaching should be reorganised to integrate and exploit the potential offered by digital environments. The research assumption with respect to technology is twofold: on one hand, specific technological resources can complement face-to-face teaching and help to solve problems identified at various levels, provided that the integration of digital resources and environments into teaching interventions is carefully designed in relation to the didactical objectives; on the other hand technology should be considered as enabling competences and tools, without which some of the didactic scenarios would be more difficult to imagine and, therefore, to realise.

Potential Scopes of Interest

The proposed special track aims to bring together mathematics education researchers and mathematics university teachers for comparing and discussing on-going research studies and existing good practices in universities courses on e-learning in mathematics teaching.

  • Digital Mathematics Education
  • e-Learning in Mathematics Teaching
  • Synergy between concrete and digital resources


Montone Antonella, Department of Mathematics – University of Bari Aldo Moro
Albano Giovannina – Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics – University of Salerno
Fiorentino Michele G., Department of Mathematics – University of Bari Aldo Moro
Anna Pierri – Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics – University of Salerno

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